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Kerry Mitchell


"Sudoku 4B"

Photographic print, 17" wide x 17" high, 2007.

In this image, I brought the notion of a Sudoku puzzle to a 4 x 4 grid, where I used shapes instead of the digits 1 - 4. I retained the requirement that each element of the four-character alphabet appear once and only once in each row, column, and in each of the four 2 x 2 sub-grids. In addition, I added an element of layering: Each finished image is a composition of four layers, with each layer being its own solved Sudoku grid.

Kerry Mitchell, Institutional Research Analyst Phoenix College
Phoenix, Arizona, USA

"My work is composed primarily of computer generated, mathematically-inspired, abstract images. I draw from the areas of geometry, fractals, numerical analysis, and physics, and combine these ideas with image-processing technology. An overriding theme that encompasses my work is the wondrous beauty and complexity that flows from a few, relatively simple, rules. Inherent in this process are feedback and connectivity; these are the elements that generate the patterns. They also demonstrate to me that mathematics is, in many cases, a metaphor for the beauty and complexity in life. This is what I try to capture."